Night of the Living Trekkies – Anderson and Stall

December 9, 2010

I got this book from Quirk Marketing several months ago, and have been putting off writing a review even though I read it fairly quickly.  I wasn’t quite sure what to say, you see.

Night of the Living Trekkies creates an original story with zombies rather than taking a preexisting story and adding zombies.  Even so, it is a predictable zombie mashup.  The main character, Jim, is an ex soldier with war issues now working as a hotel clerk.  He used to be a huge Trekkie (the book says Trekkie, not Trekker as most true fans prefer, but I try not to hold that against it) but afore-mentioned war issues have drained him of the hope for the future inherent in Star Trek.  So he is less than thrilled when the hotel hosts a Star Trek convention.

The convention is just the start of his bad day though.  It turns out this particular convention is a cover for government scientists to meet and discuss findings from the study of an extraterrestrial life form found several years ago.   Then it turns out the scientists’ meeting is a cover for one single scientist who has been infected and changed by the life form to work on said life form’s behalf in infecting the world at large.  The infection turns 95% of humans into – you guessed it – ZOMBIES!  But those few who are infected but not zombified become an intelligent carrier for the alien life form so it can spread and (gasp!) take over the planet.

Of course Jim, his sister, his new-found lady love, and a few friends save the day – though not without a few casualties.  It was a cute book, fun for a quick read while relaxing by the pool if you like zombies and/or Star Trek, but not one I’d rush out to buy.